好消息,茶包上市了,我們也開放國際運送了!在我們的網站就可以購買好幾種單一來源優質的台灣茶葉和茶包:www.metsalife.com,謝謝你的支持!我們也還在賣我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/ 感謝!
我們的大女兒宋德靈(Adeline)有一個部落格,資訊在下:crossculturegirl.com/ 歡迎訂閱和分享喔
下次再見, Stephen
How to Support our Family: *Great news, tea bags are back, and we opened international shipping for select countries! You can purchase premium-quality, single-source Taiwanese tea at www.metsalife.com Thank you so much for everyone's support. We really appreciate it! We also still have T-shirts, designed by Stephen- "Explore Taiwan" "Fatherhood" and "Always be Ready," along with the "New Father" and "Family Leader" courses. You can find those at: www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/ Thanks for stopping by!*
We are so proud of Adeline's latest writing work. You are welcome to check out her Blog at~ crossculturegirl.com/
Conversation Cards:
Today's Video Description:
A key part of good parenting is communication with your child. In today's video Adeline has prepared some great conversation cards for our afternoon tea. These questions are fun and thought provoking, while giving us all an opportunity to get to know each other better. If you'd like a copy of the questions, please visit: www.metsalife.com/pages/teatalk
One thing I'd love to encourage parents young and old alike, is that life is so much more than school or work. We need to learn to communicate more with those who are close to us. This all starts with the small things, like asking simple questions, or sharing what's on your mind. In a safe and positive environment and child will grow to fill the space provided them. Yes, we parents should encourage good communication skills, pronunciation, grammar, logic, but we should also ask questions that lead to the heart of a child. That's where we can have the greatest impact on the child's life.
Please use today's conversation questions in your own home or small group. Create a culture and environment of positive communication. Reprove those who only say negative things, and encourage when you see family members using their mouths to build others up.
Until next time,
Stephen Kurkinen
🏪 好消息-老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的Explore Taiwan, Fatherhood, 和 Always Be Ready T恤和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/
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