Welcome to this love pick a card reading about what are they thinking about your connection. Choose you pile using whatever method feels right for you, whether this is by the cards backs, the crystals, the timestamps or any other method that calls to you. Please keep in mind all readings are for entertainment purposes only.
I would like to say a big thankyou you for any likes shares, subscribes or comments. It is lovely to see the community here growing and your support being shown means more more to me than you know💖
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:52 Pile 1 The Witchy Magic Tarot and Purple Stone
00:39:28 Pile 2 Dreamy Moons Tarot and Green Stone
01:17:13 Pile 3 Entropy Tarot and Pink Stone
Shuffles at end
♪♪ P1 Stuck on You by Lionel Richie
P2 Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
P3 Eye Of The Tiger (wasn't expecting this one in a love read )
For more of my readings you can also find me @tarottouchethesoul
Decks Used In This Reading
The Witchy Magic tarot by 12 Cats
Dreamy Moons Tarot By Annie Tarasova
Entropy Tarot by by Claudia Turner. Find Claudia @theliterarytarot and also on Etsy at https:/www.etsy.com/shop/BlueMoonMystik
Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti
And Thats the Tea Oracle by Vibe About it
Soul Trees Oracle Cards, Soul Seeds and Ascension Deck by Allyson Williams Ye
Antiquities of Magick Oracle Vol 1 by Jillian C.Wilde
The Self Love Confessions Deck Oracle Cards by Sophia Da Silva
Silent Heart Love Oracle Andromeda Skies - find on Etsy
Charms from various places but some from Tea with Karin, Blossoming PinkLily and HighPie along with others I have collected along my journeys . These wonderful sellers can also be found on Etsy a great place for charms and beautiful cards and special items
Disclaimer All Readings are For Entertainment purposes only. Never make important life decisions based on a tarot reading. You are the expert and master of your life and beautifully in control of, and responsible for all decisions you make. Nothing is ever set in stone and you always have free will. You are a creator, a unique and incredible expression of the universe.✨✨
#pickacard #tarot #tarotreading