Dissolve Blocks to MANIFEST ANYTHING - This Makes Manifesting EASY - Listen While You Sleep
Intro: 0:00 - 6:50
Manifest Meditation: 6:50 - 27:35
Positive Affirmations: 27:35 - 3:00:00
The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. - Rumi
So often we feel the need to try to always be happy. We tell ourselves, “think positive, don’t allow those negative thoughts or feelings enter the mind,”. But that makes me wonder, why would each and every human being experience such painful feelings as sadness, anger, grief, or even anxiety, unless it was in some way useful to our wellbeing?
For instance, It would make sense to think that a traumatized person would avoid, at all costs, reexperiencing their initial trauma. Though, research in psychology and psychotherapy has discovered that the opposite is true. A traumatized person will unconsciously seek out similar traumatic experiences from when they were traumatized. The mind will willingly force a traumatized person into another similar traumatic experience. Why would our minds do such a terrible thing? What benefit could there possibly be?
Well, the mind works as a problem solver. The mind sees the world not as objects or things, but as obstacles to overcome and problems to solve. So, what research has found is, for traumatized individuals, their mind is trying to find another way to protect itself if something like that ever happens again. To cope with what happened and master that situation. You see, we subconsciously want to fix what happened, although, to do this, we must safely express our feelings as we reexperience what happened so that we can resolve the unresolved issues. Now, as you can imagine, safely expressing these feelings is not something many people are willing or able to do. Instead, most of us will try to escape from those thoughts, those feelings, repress them and avoid them at all costs. We may try to replace those feelings in the body by finding ways to numb ourselves, harm ourselves, or with sensation seeking. But the benefits are only temporary and never seem to truly fill that void. In fact, nothing will make us feel more fully and sensually alive than feeling and expressing our true feelings. When we don’t, these feelings become repressed, and instead, often come out as depression, anxiety, dissociation, alcohol or drug abuse, obsessive behaviors, and even physical ailments.
Now, this type of behavior doesn’t just happen to traumatized individuals, but for everyone. We all have had difficult experiences, painful memories, unresolved problems. If we try to ignore those feelings, our mind will flash us stronger and stronger warning signs of anxiety and painful feelings until we finally listen, until we finally accept those feelings and embrace them. There are two very important and relevant quotes from Carl Jung. He stated, Whatever you resist, persists, but if you embrace it, it will dissolve.” he also stated “Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our life and we will call it fate.” The reason we have feelings is because they are our guide in the world. They are trying to help us resolve those problems. If we don’t bring these thoughts and feelings to our conscious awareness, they will run our life, creating the same painful experiences over and over.
Now, to resolve these problems, we must appropriately and safely express the feelings inside of us. We must act on these sensations so that we can properly navigate safely through them and through life. We must embrace the feelings, before we can allow them to dissolve.
This is so important in manifesting what we want into our lives because if our mind is so clogged up with trying to solve unresolved problems, it will lack the capacity to solve the problems that we want to solve, the problem of fulfilling our true desires in life. Once we are able to unclog our mind from all those unresolved issues, our desires will flow to us with incredible force. Once we remove that log, the river will flow freely. Once we eliminate that blockage, we will begin to experience the incredible power of attraction.
In this meditation, I will help you embrace those feelings inside you so that they can finally dissolve, so you can finally resolve the problems that plague your mind. This will allow you to unburden your mind. Rather than replaying those same problems over and over in your life, you will be able to attract your true desires, create the life you want, manifest the life of your dreams.