Hi everyone ! Welcome to my channel. In this video I will teach you how to make an amazing bread using your daily allowance of oat bran. This bread is suitable for phases 2, 3 and 4.
The bread should be sliced into 16 slices to provide the correct amount of oat bran per day for 8 days whilst on the cruise phase. Two slices per day would be the portion size for cruise phase (phase 2).
I have done a bit of calculations and wanted to share them with you. I used my recipe of Everyday Dukan bread and calculated the nutritional values for one slice (if you divide the loaf into 16 slices). Then I compared it to a typical slice of shop bought white bread and this is how they compared :
calories : in k.cal : 105 (Dukan bread) vs 101 (for the white bread)
carbs in grams : 8 (Dukan) vs 20.6 (white)
carbs of which are sugars (included above)
0.76g vs 0.8g
protein in g : 6.95g vs 3g
salt : 0.27g vs 0.44g
fat : 3.93g vs 0.44g
saturated fat included in above : 1g vs 0.04g
Summary : very little difference in calories BUT
the white bread is much higher in carbs and sugars. The Dukan bread is much higher in protein and fat. However almost 50% of the fat comes from the linseeds, which are good fats, but if you want to, you can omit the seeds, to bring the fat down to 2.35g. The Dukan bread is also lower in salt which is good news.
I hope you find this information useful.
1 1/2 cup oat bran (med) (375ml)
1 1/2 cup wheat bran (375ml)
1 teaspoon salt (5ml)
1 table spoon bicarbonate of soda (15ml)
275g low fat cottage cheese / quark / yoghurt / cream cheese
125ml cold water
2 large eggs
3 table spoons golden linseeds
3 table spoons brown linseeds
Please watch my video to learn how to make this amazing bread. I do the instructions step by step and give you a lot of useful tips at the same time. I know its a bit long but just watch it, please. Make yourself a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine and just relax for a few minutes. You will thank me after. Enjoy !
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You could also email me at : EverydayDukanDiet@gmail.com
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