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Lots of Love (Collaborative film with 60 Animators)

Over the past 8 months, I've been putting this animation together with 60 amazing animators (under the code name Project Manticore 2020.) Each artist produced a 36 frame animation on the theme of "Love." I was stunned by different interpretations, the quality of work & diversity of styles. I'm so proud to finally release this project and hopefully introduce you to some amazing artists. I hope it was worth the wait!


Produced by: Ben Marriott @ben_marriott_
Sound Design by: QB Sound @qbsoundstudio

Jake Bartlett @jakeinmotion
Ryan Bird @birdsie.tv
James Boorman @jamesboorman
Bernd Bousard @berndbousard
Francisco Catão @franciscocatao
CE Bilibili: @0.CE
Garath Chang @gardercha
Manu Correa Soto @manucorreasoto
Sha'an d'Anthes @furrylittlepeach
Lykke Dalum @lykkedalum
Nidia Dias @imnidiadias
Elena Dunwoodie @elena.motion
Josh Edwards @jshedwards
Stephen Elliget @epicsteve
Johan Eriksson @erikssongraphics
Fafa Motion @fafa_motion
Gabriel Gareso @gabriel_gareso
Rodrigo Germano @rodgermano_
Alex Goddard @goddardmakes
John Grist @john.grist
Karolin Gu @karolin_gu
Martin Gunnarsson @hellodeerstranger
Miles Hellyer @mchellyer
Jess Herrera @herrerasaurus
Jasper Hilgers @jasperhilgers
Joyteeth Bilibili @joyteeth
Tim Krakowiak @timkrakowiak3d
Johana Kroft @johanakroft
Zoe Lagos Crocker @lagoosey
Derek Lau @dereklaudesign
Lara Lee @laraleee
Nancy Li @nlianderthal
Ben Marriott @ben_marriott_
Glen Miralles @glenmiralles
Brian Neong San @neongsan
Carlotta Notaro @carlotta_notaro
Adam Olds @addrawz
Ignacio Osorio @ignacio.osorio.s
Sofia Pashaei @sofiapashaei
Megan Pelto @meganpelto
Bryce Pemberton @brycepemberton_
Chris Phillips @crispegram
William Pietsch @williamdpietsch
Felipe Pinheiro Rocha @fpinheiro_design
Ross Plaskow @rossplaskow
Jason Poley @jasonpoley
Mike Russo @mikerusso.tv
Alek Saharovsky @alek.work
Manon Sailly @saillymanon
Luke Saunders @lukejacksaunders
Kirstin Smith @kirstinnsmith
Liz Smith @__lizsmith
Scarlett Starling @scarlettstarlingdesign
Its Got Stealth @itsgotstealth
Marvin Te @marvin.y.te
Phillip Tibballs @philltibb
Jordan Turner @jordanturner.jpeg
Sam Van Ingen @motionvan
Vanta Collective @vanta.collective
Michael Wilkinson @design_blimp
Pip Williamson @williamson_pip
Yuki Yamada @theyamadasan

Special thanks to:
Zoe Marriott
