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Mundoli Village , Dewal Block , Chamoli District - uttarakhand

About Mundoli

Mundoli is a Village in Dewal Block in Chamoli District of Uttarakhand State, India. It is located 49 KM towards South from District head quarters Chamoli Gopeshwar. 8 KM from Dewal (Selkhola). 179 KM from State capital Dehradun

Mundoli Pin code is 246427 and postal head office is Debal .

Kuling ( 4 KM ) , Sawad ( 7 KM ) , Ulangra ( 7 KM ) , Ratgaon ( 7 KM ) , Balan ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Mundoli. Mundoli is surrounded by Tharali Block towards west , Narayanbagar Block towards west , Garur Block towards South , Ghat Block towards North .

Almora , Pauri , Nainital , Pithoragarh are the near by Cities to Mundoli.

This Place is in the border of the Chamoli District and Pauri Garhwal District. Pauri Garhwal District Thalisain is west towards this place .
