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Thunder by Imagine Dragons
Gayaneh by Aram Khachaturian
Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
Here Comes The Sun by Jacob Collier
Arranged by Jeff Chambers
Percussion by Reese Maultsby
Sound Design by Tim Mitchell
When we look to the sky, we might see a beautiful clear blue. We might see a stormy night. We might peer into the vaults of heaven. The sky tells many stories and gives a glimpse into the vast universe that we exist in. Sky Above is an exploration of the sky and its inspiration for music, poetry, and art. The show begins by establishing the sky we are about to explore, before it quickly devolves into a violent storm. The storm then clears away as the sun sets into the night. We get to enjoy a beautiful starry night with a ballad rendition of Sky Full of Stars, and as we head to the end of our show we see the sun rising anew and bringing forth a beautiful blue sky. Musically, we have paired music selections that tell this story and visually, you can use a variety of visual tools such as costumes, silks, props or backdrops to show the different phases, colors and moods of this show.
0:00 Part 1
3:02 Part 2
5:44 Part 3