Lord Brahma made a mistake trying to test the power of Lord Krishna. Life went on like that for a year before Lord Brahma returned. Not to mention that einstein's theory of relativity the time of Brahma Loka passes differently. There are 4 ages on earth that continue to circulate. A complete cycle is called maha yuga or Divya yuga. A thousand cycles of this type form a day of Lord Brahma. Therefore, one day of Lord Brahma is 4.32 billion human years. Each of those days of Lord Brahma is called "Kalpa". So it only seemed a moment to Lord Brahma. However, when he returned, he was surprised to see children and calves playing with Lord Krishna as if nothing had happened. Lord Krishna knew that Lord Brahma was perplexed, so he transformed all the children and calves into the four-armed forms of Lord Vishnu. Lord Brahma heard music and saw many Lord Brahma's, Lord Shiva's, demigods, and jivas singing and dancing the names of God. Lord Brahma's mind was opened for the first sight, but I was surprised, so Lord Krishna finished the dazzling scene. there is not only one Lord Brahma in the Universe but there are millions of Lord Brahma in the Universe so this story related to einstein's theory of relativity or multiverse.