Today's tarot card reading is a pick a card style tarot reading. It is about what do their friends and family members say about you? I will be using tarot and oracle cards, channeling, letter tiles (initials and exact names), astro dice, and more! I hope you will enjoy this reading.
If you are looking for my collective channel, Mystic Rose Tarot Collective, please use the link that is provided. / @mysticrosetarotcollective Thank you and enjoy!
Here on my channel, and on my other channel, I like to read tarot with honesty and integrity and also keep things pretty positive and of the light. If you enjoy my videos, please support me by liking, commenting, sharing, and subscribing. Thank you!
**Mystic Rose Tarot Collective
**Mystic Rose main channel
Here is a quick link to my Patreon:
Here is a link to my “sister channel” / @mysticrosetarotcollective
***Energy Exchange/Donations are always appreciated. You can Venmo me @mysticrose123 You can send money to my PayPal… PayPal.Me. Or use the SUPER THANKS button to donate. Thank you!
***If you would like to have a PRIVATE READING, click here to order:
PACKAGES: The more questions you order, the more you save! Packages start at a 1 question reading- 5-10 mins long. -$20.00 USD or email me for more information at
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00:00 Intro with MYSTIC ROSE
02:20 GEMSTONE selection
03:09 IMAGE selection
03:19 Pile 1 MOONSTONE and IMAGE 1
37:52 Pile 2 TIGER'S EYE and IMAGE 2
1:13:56 Pile 3 AMAZONITE and IMAGE 3 - Trigger warning
**BEWARE OF SCAMMERS in the comments section, impersonating me. I will never reach out to you via email or in the comments to ask you to do ANYTHING!!
If you like my vibe, hit subscribe and join the tribe!
PLEASE DON’T’ CONFUSE ME with the OTHER Mystic Rose on YouTube. She goes by Mystic Rose 1111. I am NOT associated with her in ANY way!!! People have been asking about this lately and I just needed to address this. She started her channel a while back and we happened to choose the same name, but she has 1111 at the end of it. We have VERY different types of readings, and I am not associated with her, so please be aware of this.
#pickacard #love #tarot #aries #capricorn #pisces #aquarius #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #sagittarius #scorpio #libra
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*Disclaimer- This is a general reading. This is not a substitute for professional medical, mental health, or counseling and treatment. Online general readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. Readings are never 100% accurate. *Know that I will never send you an email or a message asking you for money or anything else.