A nativity scene phenomenon that stopped people in their tracks at Times Square last year returns bigger than ever, spreading Jesus Christ’s light and love from London to Tokyo. Visit www.LightTheWorld.org for more Christmas inspiration.
Looking for ideas about how you can be someone’s angel? That’s the 2024 theme of Light the World—a worldwide effort to share Jesus Christ’s light and love with everyone during the Christmas season. Each year, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints join with people of other faiths around the globe to do simple acts of kindness for others and raise money—more than $32 million dollars so far!—for charity using the Giving Machines.
Visit www.GivingMachine.org to check out this year’s Giving Machine locations and learn more about how you can join in donating everything from warm winter coats to chickens.
If you were one of the people that these images of the nativity scene around the world helped inspire to love others as Jesus Christ did, pay it forward! Visit www.LightTheWorld.org to learn more about how you can be someone’s angel, find more videos about angels in our lives, celebrate the birth of Jesus by watching The Christ Child, and use our Kindness Randomizer to generate fun ideas to light the world with the Savior’s love.
Filming locations: London UK, Tokyo Japan, Sydney Australia, Guanajuato Mexico, Salt Lake City, Utah
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