Join renowned doctors Dr. Ali and Dr. Pal as they discuss the intricate relationship between complicated deliveries and constipation in women. Gain valuable insights into the underlying causes, potential risks, and effective management strategies.
Find out what Dr. Pal and Dr. Ali say!
Watch Full Video on -
• What Causes Constipation? - Shocking ...
Medical comedy (Medcom) shows:
I love doing medical comedy (medcom) stand-up shows. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet you all in person and also to promote awareness of a healthy lifestyle.
My upcoming show details:
Bengaluru : 12 October 2024, 7PM
To watch full podcasts and shorter versions, please checkout the following channels
1. Dr Pal - / drpal
2. Gut Feeling with Dr Pal clips - Please find the highlights of the best episodes from our podcast.
/ @gutfeelingpodcastclips
Our holistic weight loss/chronic disease reversal gut health program - "NewME "
Are you interested in joining our program designed to help you make lasting changes to your lifestyle so that you can be free of medications?
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#askdocpal #drpal #palaniappanmanickam #HealthyHabits #ComplicatedDelivery #Childbirth #BowelHealth #PregnancyChallenges #MaternalHealth #ConstipationAwareness #PregnancyJourney #PostpartumCare #WomenHealth #Constipation