Want a secular homeschool curriculum with no Jesus died for you in it? These options are the most popular secular options available today. So check them out.
Below are the curricula we discuss in this video. Many of these are affiliate links, so if you buy through them, you support my channel! (Thanks in advance!)
Time4Learning - get.aspr.app/SH9Oe
Beautiful Feet Books - bfbooks.com/?tap_a=30494-e48ebf&tap_s=3267347-dddb…
Nautilus Homeschool (FORMERLY GREAT BOOKS) - www.nautilushomeschool.com/?via=rebecca
The Waldock Way - www.thewaldockway.com/ref/102/
Juni Learning - junilearning.com/?fpr=rebecca-devitt82
Acellus - acellus.com/
Under the Home - underthehome.org/
K12 - www.k12.com/
Oak Meadow - www.oakmeadow.com/
Khan Academy - www.khanacademy.org/
Moving Beyond the Page - www.movingbeyondthepage.com/faqdetail.aspx?faqID=4…
Night Zookeeper - www.nightzookeeper.com/parents?ref=mdg4ytu
Accreditation video: • Do You NEED Homeschool Curriculum Acc...
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HOMESCHOOL BOOKLIST MY SON LISTENS TO: howdoihomeschool.com/homeschool-booklist-grades-k-…
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My Homeschool Community (Made2Homeschool): www.made2homeschool.com/a/2147529243/ZtRNyKGY
00:00 Introduction
00:10 All Online Choice
01:50 Charlotte Mason FREE Option
03:14 Gifted Learners Pick
05:02 Nature-Based Choice
07:16 Literature-Based Option
08:59 Secular Charlotte Mason Story-Book Curriculu