Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video. Go to, use my code CYNICMAR10, and receive 10 free meals + free breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active if you're in the US. The link and code are valid in all countries and the respective local discount will apply.
:: Timestamps ::
0:00 | Snow White is pure garbage
6:33 | The “story” breakdown
23:41 | The fallout is real
:: My other channels ::
Cynic After Dark | @cynicafterdark
Monday Night Cynic | @MondayNightCynic
BSUP (weekly podcast) | / @bsupyt
:: Friends ::
The Little Platoon | @TheLittlePlatoon
Mr Brown Alliance | @MrBrownAlliance
Video editing by BagFace | @Iambagface