Angélique Colfort works as a fisherman in Cavalaire, a small town not far from Saint Tropez. Here, the green hills of the Provence meet the blue waters of the bays of the Mediterranean.
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The fisherwoman has her own boat, a so-called pointed boat, which has been built in the Mediterranean for over 2000 years. If necessary, she repairs the boat herself or gets advice from colleagues. A few old fishermen have also taught her traditional fishing techniques: you follow the rhythm of nature. In this way, Angélique works sustainably and fishes no more than she needs to live on and only what grows back again. The boat is small and Angélique has to fish close to the coast, but her catch is varied, always fresh and customers queue up in front of her stall.
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Angélique explains to them how fish and seafood are prepared as she sells them, because she is an enthusiastic cook and does everything she can to bring even rare fish closer to her customers.
On land, the fisherman is surrounded by many friends: With Bernard and Didier, Angélique smokes part of her catch on a trial basis, and with her friend Odile she likes to cook. Her partner Laurent is a captain on a passenger ship and occasionally helps her deliver the fish. Angélique travels a lot with him in search of new recipes, which she combines at home with those of traditional Mediterranean cuisine.
At our Neighbour's Table - Côte d'Azur | Season 2020 - Episode 241
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