With the second part of the 15th Conference of the Parties on #biodiversity approaching, you must have a few questions on your mind. David Ainsworth, Information Officer in SCBD, provides you with all the necessary answers to be ready for #COP15, on the 6th of December 2022 in Montreal, Canada. #Nature #Post2020
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - What is a COP? www.un.org/en/observances/biological-diversity-day…
00:33 - What happens during a COP? www.un.org/en/observances/biological-diversity-day…
00:52 - What is the difference between COP 15 and COP 27?
01:12 - Why is COP 15 here in Montreal?
01:28 - What is the difference between COP 15 and COP 14 ?
01:47 - What is a COP MOP?
02:08 What is biodiversity?
03:06 - Why is biodiversity important?
03:31 - Who are the Parties to the Convention?
03:56 - Who are the other stakeholders involved? www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/resources…
04:25 - What is CBD? www.un.org/en/observances/biological-diversity-day…
05:16 - Are there other Conventions in the world?
06:01 - How many parties belong to the Convention on Biological Diversity? www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/resources…
06:17 - What is the role of the Executive Secretary? wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/3157…
06:45 - What is a plenary?
07:04 - What is a working group?
07:21 - What is a contact group?
07:58 - What is the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF)? www.cbd.int/article/draft-1-global-biodiversity-fr…
08:34 - Within the framework, what are targets?
09:54 - How are decisions brought forth finalized by the Conference of the Parties (COP)? www.cbd.int/convention/rules.shtml
10:54 - Who is the COP Presidency – and how is this chosen?
11:14 - How do you choose where the COP will take place?
11:25 - Why is COP 15 being held in Canada?
11:58 - What is the role of the COP 15 Presidency?
12:25 - What is the schedule for the UN Biodiversity conference in December? www.cbd.int/conferences/2021-2022/schedules cbd.int/live
13:45 - What is the everyday schedule for COP 15? www.cbd.int/conferences/2021-2022/schedules cbd.int/live
14:42 - What is the expected outcome from COP 15? www.gybn.org/publications
15:25 - After COP 15, what is the future course of action? can’t answer this question more than this to avoid speculation since no decisions have been taken yet
15:57 - How do we know if governments are keeping their commitments and achieving the objectives set out for COP 15?
16:29 - How can other stakeholders become involved in COP 15? www.cbd.int/ngo/meetings.shtml
17:25 - Where can I find a glossary of acronyms?
17:35 - What are the important documents to look at?
Where can I find them?
17:54 - Where will the media be working?
18:12 - What areas will the media have access to during the COP?
18:30 - When will press conferences be held?
18:58 - Who can the media speak with during the Conference?
19:31 - Where can the media conduct interviews during the Conference?