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Outer Hebrides - Scallops, Highland Cattle & Oatcakes | At our Neighbour's Table

The Outer Hebrides are a 208-kilometer-long chain of islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Scotland. They stretch in a semi-arc from the islands of Harris and Lewis in the north, through North and South Uist, to the island of Barra in the south. In complete seclusion, the people here live from agriculture, weaving the world-famous Harris Tweed, and tourism. For the approximately 26,000 inhabitants, it is about a two-hour ferry ride to the mainland. The rugged, craggy landscape and the extreme weather conditions of the Hebrides meant that the islands were slowly developed in the past.

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#atourneighbourstable #outerhebrides #cooking #scallops #highlandcattle #oatcakes
0:00 - Intro
00:21 - At our Neighbour's Table - Outer Hebrides
25:55 - Credits

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The few residents are traditional and mostly speak Gaelic among themselves. Angus MacDonald, 48, is a Scottish Highland cattle breeder known on the Hebrides as "Red Angus." He lives with his family in the village of Kyles on the island of North Uist. His farm is located right by the sea. His 400 Highland cattle graze on the island of Valley. Once a year, the cattle have to make the arduous journey through the strait on foot. Angus is usually assisted by his eldest son Fraser, 19.

Although Angus loves the cows, he has other professions. When he is not harvesting peat in the moor, he takes care of renovating houses with his small construction company. Recently, he has been dreaming of his own small vacation apartment. Michelle MacDonald, 48, is a newcomer. She has lived on the island for almost 22 years now. Originally from the city, she traveled a lot as a child, and her parents now live in the south of France. When Michelle arrived on the island, the storm was so severe that she couldn’t leave the house for three weeks.

As a newcomer, she was viewed critically and found it difficult to integrate into the island community. She only experienced the benefits of close-knit community life when she battled two cancer diagnoses a few years later. Suddenly, the villagers were concerned about her well-being, and neighbors brought her fresh fish almost daily. Today, she lives with Angus and their two sons in the farmhouse of his ancestors, while their two daughters are studying on the mainland.

At our Neighbour's Table - Outer Hebrides | Season 2013 - Episode 154
2013 © Licensed by Berlin Producers

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