The largest nuclear submarine ever built is Russian. Carrying 20 ballistic missiles inside its 179 meter long hull, the Typhoon-class ship has been designed as the weapon of last resort. It can lie in silence for months on the seabed, concealing its power to destroy any country in less than half an hour.
Until now however, only glimpses of the largest and deadliest killing machine on Earth have been available. In a striking 52’ film, “Mission Invisible” will take you onboard the pride of the Russian Northern Fleet : a Typhoon-class submarine.
Together with Alexander Bogachev and his 130 man crew,we will dive into the abyss of the cold, lonely ocean for a full -scale top secret military mission.
For the very first time, we will witness the crew as they practice for emergencies of all types as well as an authentic fire alarm during the mission. “Mission Invisible” will also reveal covert stages of the crew’s mission : a thrilling torpedo attack, the pursuit by NATO, eluding the pursuer, and a full dress rehearsal for Armageddon : testing intercontinental ballistic missiles in the Barents Sea.
Throughout these dangerous tasks, we will discover the lives of the sailors, how they are evaluated, as well as the lives of the Typhoon’s officers, observing how the men cope, away from their wives and children. By delving into this most secret of worlds, we can begin to understand these men, their lives, and their submarine.
In the terrifying shadows of the abyss, “Mission Invisible” recounts the hidden story of the Typhoon on its invisible mission under the planet’s oceans... a sensational human adventure into the heart of the most fantastic and the most secret of Russian nuclear weapons.
Documentary: Mission Invisible (2002)
Directed by: Vitaly FEDKO & Ludmila NAZARUK
Production: Corona Films avec la participation de ZED / France 5 / Discovery Channel / ZDF / RTBF / TV5 Monde / Scottish Screen Fund
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