In this longer than planned video, we tackle Matthew 7:13-14 and contrast what Jesus said about the path most choose versus what is the intended way. The sad situation that exists in this timeframe is that the understanding of the life of Christ has virtually escaped the larger portion of the church. Instead of seeing Christ and His life as our goal, a great void is created in the absence of the Christ-life. In its place, there has come a pursuit of other things that have replaced Christ and His life. That is one of the greater reasons why the church today so closely resembles the culture of society.
The true gospel would have us come to Christ and shed our old self and the life we were born into through the Cross of Christ. Therefore, the Cross is non-optional. Then, in return for our old life, we come into a much greater life that is from Someone who is far greater than us..., Christ.
This truly divine exchange is what makes it possible for us to become overcomers, which is a state of being that is impossible if we remain in our old life.