Europe's western Balkans are home to an abundance of wildlife and stunning rivers, making it the 'Blue Heart of Europe'. 💙 🌍 Meet Lejla Kusturica, an activist and director of ACT Foundation (@fondacijadrustvenepromjene_act), who is collaborating with communities, activists, and artists across the Balkans to protect the region's rivers. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, activists have been protesting against small hydropower dams that threaten water access and wildlife. Their efforts are paying off, with Bosnia and Herzegovina halting subsidies for these dams in 2021. With 113 endangered freshwater fish species in the region and 69 species found only in Balkan rivers, it's crucial to protect these natural treasures. Let's take inspiration from Lejla and the activists this #EarthDay2023 and join hands to safeguard our rivers! @blueheartrive