To date, and probably forever, jump scares remain one of the most vehemently scrutinized genre tropes. And why not? Jump scares are as crucial a stitch in the fabric of horror films as slashers and ridiculous sequels. But the discourse around the jump scare can get a little ugly, from critics citing an over-reliance on them as a negative review point, to audiences rolling their eyes at a silly trope. So it’s only fair that we spend some time looking at what makes the good jump scares great.
To do so, we have to say there are spoilers ahead, so here’s your spoiler alert. We’ll be breaking down the incredible found footage zombie movie [REC], jump scare master Wes Craven and the opening sequence from Scream and everything else from classics like Carrie from Stephen King to The Conjuring to Paranormal Activity to scary as hell international cinema fare from Argentina. The point is, Ghostface is just one in a long line of jump scaring horror icons.
This video was written by Matt Donato and edited by Casey Redmon.
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