Delhi Coaching Flood Tragedy | Three UPSC aspirants, Shreya Yadav, Tanya Soni, and Nevin Dalvin, lost their lives after the basement of Rau's IAS coaching centre in Delhi was inundated by heavy rains. This heartbreaking incident has ignited anger among students and political factions, resulting in widespread protests. The coaching centre's owner has been arrested on charges of culpable homicide and acknowledged the absence of drainage facilities in the basement. Further investigations disclosed that the centre operated without the required permissions. This calamity has intensified calls for accountability, with BJP and Congress demanding a CBI investigation and government accountability.
#DelhiCoachingFlood #OldRajendraNagarFlood #DelhiCoachingBasement
Delhi Coaching Flood: Delhi के Rajendra Nagar स्थित राव IAS अकादमी के बेसमेंट में पानी भरने और उसमें डूबने से 3 Students की मौत हो गई. यह तीनों ही IAS बनने का सपना लेकर दिल्ली आए थे, लेकिन बदइंतजामी की भेंट चढ़ गए. इस मौके पर छात्रों का रोष भी फूटा और उन्होंने जमकर नारेबाजी की. हालांकि यह तीन जिंदगियां अब कभी वापस नहीं आ सकेंगी।
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