00:00 - Intro
00:43 - Bible Passage
02:18 - Daily Bread Devotional
03:37 - Prayer
Daily Bread
1) Trusting God's guidance.
The Magi followed the star to find Jesus, trusting God's guidance even when the journey was long and uncertain. They didn’t know exactly where they were going, but they followed the star and trusted that God would lead them to the Savior. In our own lives, sometimes we don't know exactly what will happen or what the future holds, but we can trust that God will guide us, just like He guided the Magi. When we feel lost or unsure, we can look to God for direction and trust that He will lead us where we need to go.
2) True worship.
When the Magi found Jesus, they didn’t just quickly visit; they worshiped Him and gave Him valuable gifts. They recognized that Jesus, the King, deserved their best. Worship isn't just about showing up; it’s about giving our hearts and our best to God. Just like the Magi offered gifts, we can offer our time, talents, and love to God in worship. True worship means honoring God in our actions and hearts, not just on special occasions but every day. How can you offer your best to God today?
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for guiding me, just as You guided the Magi to Jesus. Even when I don’t know what lies ahead, help me trust that You will lead me on the right path. Teach me how to worship You with my heart, actions, and everything I have, offering my best to You every day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
One Word: Give Jesus my heart of worship today!
Theme: Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.
Intro: Inspirational Acoustic - Organic Harmony by Sonican
Outro: My Love Medium by Grand_Project