#DWHindi #Manthan #Mars
हमारा सौरमंडल खुद में अजूबा है और आश्चर्यों से भरपूर. लेकिन वैज्ञानिकों की सबसे ज्यादा रुचि मंगल ग्रह में है, चंद्रमा से भी ज्यादा. भला ऐसा क्यों है, जानिए.
Our solar system is a wonder in itself and full of surprises. But scientists are most interested in Mars, even more than the Moon. Mars is our outer neighbor. It's orbit is further away from the sun than the Earth's. Mars is the only other planet in our solar system that humans could conceivably live on. That makes it especially interesting.