We climbed the O2 and it was a brilliant experience, it was absolutely terrifying if you're a bit scared of heights like me, it is so high but once you get to the top of the O2 the view is amazing and I am so glad we did it, it was such a funny day and fantastic experience (Louise, Hollie and Danielle didn't find it a bit scary just me haha).
We are also going to be at MOVE IT 2020 The World's Biggest Dance Event which is very exciting so lots more information coming soon with that.
I thought I would share this video with you all because we had so much fun and like I've said before we love to dance but we always love fun days out as well.
If you enjoyed this video please subscribe to our channel and any other ideas for days out please let us know.
I will also be posting one of our newest dance fitness routines tomorrow.
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