we’re jumping into the Weekly Pack again because I realized that there are 2 more secret achievements I could get!
The Smaller Slug Summons from Slug and the Smallest Slug summons from Smaller Slug. So once again we’re going to be using Deer Lord to knock out pets in the shop to get the tokens on our team!
I also got a really cool loop going with the Glass Shoes, which is one of the Old Mouse toys, and Flying Squirrel!
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SAP Dojo Team Tour 9 Team
- @SuperAutoGaming:
YouTube: / @superautogaming
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/superautogaming
- @suboptimal6473:
YouTube: / @suboptimal6473
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/suboptimai
- @Skoottie:
YouTube: / @skoottie
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/skoottie
- @RevGT:
YouTube: / @revgt
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/rev_gt
- @merkoo7 :
Youtube: / @merkoo7
Twitch: www.Twitch.tv/merkoo7