**2025漫森水彩經文月曆來了!老外爸爸,Adeline,Bethany,和 Joanna 畫的!現在有折扣,可以在這裡買得到:www.metsalife.com 好消息:全部商品,台灣免運!謝謝你的支持!**
今天Cher阿姨帶我們全家來到高雄的旗津,帶我們重遊他每一年回台灣必走的路線。孩子們很開心可以達程小船,風景很美,天氣本來烈陽高照,就在吃完美味的海鮮午餐後,大家開心的走去看海,就在抵達海邊時!突然下起傾盆大雨! 我們看到了旗津不同的一面。雖然下雨,但是孩子們依舊很開心,可以淋雨,和踩水也是另外一種樂趣。Cher阿姨說要帶我們大家去吃有名的剉冰,太棒了,大家踏著快樂的步伐,朝著剉冰前進,台灣美食👍果然不讓人失望,真的是超大碗,超好吃,我們就這樣結束了在高雄愉快的旅程。謝謝大家的收看,真的非常感謝你們的支持。
***Our latest product is here! "2025 'Joyful Living' watercolor scripture calendar," with original artwork done by Joanna, Bethany, Adeline, and Stephen! On sale now! You can get your copy here: www.metsalife.com
And starting today, free shipping on all Taiwan orders, regardless of order size! Thanks for your support!***
Today, Auntie Cher took our whole family to Cijin in Kaohsiung, retracing the route she walks every year when she returns to Taiwan. Our 7 daughters were thrilled to ride the ferry to Qijin island, and the scenery was beautiful. The weather was initially scorching hot, but just after we finished a delicious seafood lunch and happily headed to see the beach, it suddenly started pouring rain! We saw a different side of Cijin. Despite the rain, the kids were still happy, enjoying the fun of getting soaked and splashing in puddles. Auntie Cher said she wanted to take us to try some famous shaved ice —which we could not refuse! We joyfully made our way to the shop, and as expected, Taiwan’s food didn’t disappoint. The shaved ice bowl was enormous and absolutely amazing. That’s how we wrapped up our pleasant journey in Kaohsiung. Watch the video to see what the children thought of this wet adventure in Kaohsiung!
Thank you all for watching, and we truly appreciate your support.
Wishing you peace and joy,
Stephen and family
🏪 好消息-老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的Explore Taiwan, Fatherhood, 和 Always Be Ready T恤和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/
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