music・lyrics・movie: 原口沙輔
SVP: suratsol
vocal edit・mix: aster
vocals: kasane teto ai・yuma・tsurumaki maki AI・ryo AI
YT: • 人マニア - 重音テト
and there aster goes again hopping in on a recent cover bandwagon cause why not
a bit of mental torture during mixing is ok! (no its not)
anyhow tho, i somehow thought it would be funny to cover a song that literally uses tetos utau bank with her SynthV AI since i still didnt relearn how to use UTAU, but hopefully one day i will,,,
plus so many of my friends made covers so i kind of got influenced
im a bit stupid
and the teto chibi in the pv is so silly
SIDENOTE, PIKOS ANNI IS EXTREMELY SOOON someone bully me into finishing something for it. please.