A look behind the scenes at how I created the intro for Inside an Animator's Mind, A student collaboration project. From the design of the character with pencil and paper to more vector illustration, and animation using both Callipeg for frame-by-frame animation on the iPad & Adobe After Effects.
❤ Enroll in My Master Motion Design course before July 21st to unlock the exclusive bonuses:
Sound Design by: QB Sound | / qbsoundstudio
The Incredible Animators: (In order of appearance)
Andrew Marston | / andrewdmarston
Sam Rocheleau | / sams.motion
Mat&Fab | / matetfabmotion
Magdalena Dużej | / magdalena_duzej
Luigi Salas | / luigisalas_
Mikael Jutbo | / maikmotion
Amatita | / amatita_studio
Sengsavane Chounramany | / sengsavanedesign
Miki (whitekosita) | https://www.instagram.com/whitekosita...
Juan Daleas | / juandaleas
Keilah Cass | / keilahcass
Ingeborg Munk Toft | / sci_grapher
Nano Vazquez | / nanobot2211
Phillip Zhang | / _teeyo
Madalin Dragnea | / mad.animator
Dakotah Cort | / dakotahcort
Owen Mackinder | / strangeyeti
Kyle Woodard | / kaidowind
Fraser Dinsdale | / frasedesigns
Jake Martin | / jakemartin.tv
Sven Lehmkuhl | / totallykoolkiwi
Campion Kirkham | / campionjkart
Alaine Caudle | / ughlaneanimates
Robin Schwarz | / schwarzrobincreative
Li Zhen Xiao | / xiaomotion
Trevor Wood | / therealtrevorwood
❤ My Motion Design Foundation course will be released later this year, please feel free to let me know if you'd like me to include anything in the course before I finish recording: