Since we were babies we have been trying to make sense of the world we have found ourselves in. We’re born with a few measuring devices which give us some information from ‘out there’ and they are connected to a fairly impressive fleshy computer inside of our skull. Unfortunately, we are not born with a manual on how to use this equipment and so we have to muddle along on our own. After a few years of muddling, we realise there are other beings out there that can help us and that speeds things up a little bit.
By sensing light, sound, pressure, temperature, pain, balance, taste, and a few other things, we learn that there are objects out there that we can interact with. We can pick things up and when we let go they tend to move in the same direction, known as ‘down’. We can walk around things and see the other side and we can even break things into smaller pieces. After many years of this, we might think we get it all and can relax. Or… maybe we pick up a leaf and notice the detail in it, or take apart a flower, or notice that some things are heavier than others despite being the same size, or question how birds can fly, and so on. Now our curiosity has been relighted and we’re off again! [SCIENCE FICTION: The universe is stranger than we realize- The Universe is Stranger than We Imagine]
♺ Our Channels:
● Evil Space - youtube.com/@DeepEvilSpace
● Espacio Profundo - youtube.com/@EspacioProfundo
● Raumfahrt - youtube.com/@Raumfahrt_
● Space Voyage - youtube.com/@Space-Voyage
● 宇宙旅行 - youtube.com/@Space_Japan
● Voyage spatial - youtube.com/@Voyage_spatial
● Weltraumreise - youtube.com/@Weltraumreise
● Space Journey - youtube.com/@SpaceJourney_
● Viagem espacial - youtube.com/@ViagemEspacial
● अंतरिक्ष यात्रा - youtube.com/@user-cm3xf8zd3b
● Perjalanan luar angkasa - youtube.com/@Perjalananluarangkasa-te2qm
● Злой Космос - youtube.com/@ROIIN
Jeremy jozwik: www.artstation.com/zeuxis_of_...
Egor Demin: www.artstation.com/darth_biomech
Darth Biomech www.artstation.com/darth_biomech
Fish tree www.deviantart.com/fishytree/
Ken York of YD Visual www.facebook.com/YDVisual/
Kristiityan Tavkar www.miragedereve.com/
Chris Holland (Mafic Studios) www.maficstudios.com
LegionTech Studio
Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios: www.maficstudios.com
Sergio Boterio https: www.artstation.com/sboterod
Bryan Versteeg spacehabs.com/
Andrew Carter Animation: / @andrewcarteranimation
• Atmospherical Beings | Cinematic Rend...
Keith Carson, Jarred Eagley, Udo Schroeter, Mihail Yordanov,
Katie Byrne, Edward Nardella, Jarred Eagley, Justin Dixon,
Misho Yordanov, Pierre Demet. Stefan Blandin.
#space #universe #science #earth #planet #gravity #earth #phenomenon #anomalies #cosmic #anomaly #Jupiter #Otherworlds #Research #Evilspace exploration #Sciencepop #Mission #Space #Astronomy #Canalcosmos #Travel
E-MAIL: evilstarbox@gmail.com