The cute little cat is here again and wants to show us her adventures. She is going to have a really big adventure on her travels and she won't be alone. Together with the kitty on her adventurous journey, she will meet other animals at school. Right at the beginning, the cat will show us what her first day at school was like and learn a few new things with us. Once school is over, the kitty heads out into the world in search of adventure. She cuddles with us the bag flies into a corner and we go out into the world. The world is full of surprises for the kitty, like a cactus that leaves its balls in the kitty's fur and we have to help the kitty and clean the fur, or the mud into which the careless but cheerful kitty falls. But everything always turns out well, thanks to us, because we always help the cat. But the cat will also find some new animal friends on his travels, with whom he will then go to school. At school, the animals will learn to count together or to recognise the flags and countries of the different countries.
#cat #cartoon #petcare #toddlers
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