1. Feynman’s Technique: To make sure you fully understand a topic, you have to be able to explain it to a 5 year old. This proves that you not only memorised it but you truly understand it.
2. Effective cramming - Focus on your weakest topics using blurting and flashcards, use your revision guides or notes as a markscheme.
3. The flashcard game - useful for equations, write the words on the front and equation on the back, put it on a table and play with friends - whoever gets the most cards (gets the flashcard right) wins
4. Past paper technique - go through all the past papers for a topic and write down all the topics that come up constantly: make those a priority if you don’t know them. Do all the past papers and memorise the markscheme.
5. Prioritising specification: Use this at the start of revision, be clear on what you need to know and don’t miss any parts.
6. Grade 9 mindset: I don’t care how much you’ve revised, walk into every exam telling yourself you’re going to get the best grade possible and the questions are going to be everything you revised. It can’t do you any harm and can only do you good.
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