This exercise will target strengthening of the two deep neck flexors:
“longus coli and longus capitus”
Due to the amount of time people spend in the Forward head position/Upper cross isyndrome, the deep neck flexors are often stretched out & weak.
Evidence has shown that the deep cervical flexors muscles in individuals with neck pain are weak and have poor motor control.
To properly target these muscles:
-Start with a Chin tuck by flexing your upper neck (try to make a double chin)
-Lift your head off the floor just an inch.
It may not feel like you’re doing much initially, however you will start to notice the fatigue kick in quick.
You should be able to hold this position for 30 seconds.
A typical parameter for this exercise is 10 seconds on followed by a 10 second off period for 10 repititions.
Research shows that when the deep neck flexors are week, the superfircial sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles compensate.
Therefore when training the deep neck flexors Minimize use the superficial neck muscles, you can make sure of this with palpation.
"The effect of therapeutic exercise on activation of the deep cervical flexor muscles in people with chronic neck pain” -Jull GA et al.
#neckpain #cervical #chintuck