Every winter, the ‘skrei’ migrate from the icy Barents Sea to the Lofoten Islands to spawn in waters warmed a few degrees by the passing Gulf Stream. The firm and lean meat of these arctic cod makes it a popular delicacy. While the skrei season is extremely important for fisherman Jan-Ivar Pettersen and his son Bjarne, it's also dependent on the weather, making it highly unpredictable. Sometimes the stormy waves keep them in port for days at a time. Most winter codfish are dried in the sea air on large wooden racks before being exported worldwide as stockfish. Jan-Ivar's wife Sonja enjoys the dried fish in the form of crispy chips, but usually the family prepare fresh skrei in the traditional manner: as the semi-dried variant ‘boknafisk’, fried tongue of skrei, or as ‘mölje’, namely poached skrei with roe and liver. A more recent but no less regional creation is wild seaweed on fillet of skrei. In Lofoten, they also enjoy the dessert that’s popular across all of Norway: fresh waffles, in this case made by Sonja together with her grandchildren.
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▷ 0:00 - Intro
▷ 00:39 - At our Neighbour's Table - Lofoten
▷ 25:52 - Credits
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At our Neighbour's Table - Lofoten | Season 2023 - Episode 290
2023 © Licensed by Berlin Producers
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