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A Plan for Your Problem - Pastor Dr. Cynthia James

When you feel like you have nothing left, it can definitely be overwhelming — but understand that all is not lost. Consider the poor widow in 2 Kings. After her spouse died, a creditor also threatened to take her sons into slavery to cover his debt. Desperate, she cried out to Elisha, the great prophet under whom her husband once served.

When asked, she said that all she had left was a small flask of oil. Elisha instructed her to go abroad and gather a lot of empty and imperfect vessels. Through her faith and obedience, God worked a miracle. He multiplied that little bit of oil until she had enough to meet her needs and then some!

Similarly, when we step out in faith and shut the door on negativity, God will fill our lives with His abundant grace and provision. All we have to do is trust His plan.

Message: “A Plan for Your Problem”
Scriptures: 2 Kings 4:1-7 (KJV)
Speaker: Pastor Dr. Cynthia James
Date: Oct. 6, 2024

#APlanForYourProblem #2Kings4 #NoLimitations #SundayService #ThePottersHouse

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Join us on this sacred journey!

00:00 Elisha and the Widow's Oil
03:12 The Widow's Problem
08:09 Identifying Your Resources
13:40 A Plan for Your Problem
22:03 Getting God's Perspective
30:09 The Courage to Obey
36:15 No Limitations
42:14 State of Readiness
48:16 A Place of Abundan
