This lovely "Melody for Flute" is a composition for the organ written by David Paxton (Lani Smith) for the July 1978 edition of The Organist magazine. An exceptionally beautiful piece albeit, very simple, it is intended to showcase the solo flute stop(s) of the organ. In this video we hear the flute solo stops of the Aristide Cavaille-Coll organ built in 1885 for the church of St. Etienne in Caen, France. The Flûte Harmonique 8' is heard on the first manual (Grand orgue) and the Flûte Traverse 8' on the third manual (Recit). The flute solos are accompanied by a Salicional 8' on the second manual (Positif) with left hand. The pedal is playing notes by coupling to the Positif.
The Hauptwerk pipe organ sample set is sampled and created by Sonus Paradisi.
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