12 Laws of the Universe by Manhardeep Singh you can start using today to start changing the world around you right now. The book is written with a to-the-point language and tone with the intent to reach the reader in a clear way. Stop focusing solely on the Law of Attraction and continue to wonder why it is not working for you. There are other, even more important Universal Laws at play here. Study them.
Stop focusing only on Law of Attraction
"12 Laws of the Universe" by Manhardeep Singh - Book PReview
Book of the Week - BOTW - Season 8 Book 8
Buy the book on Amazon amzn.to/41hGrrv
#universallaws #awareness #growth
FIND OUT which HUMAN NEED is driving all of your behavior
Human Needs Psychology + Emotional Intelligence + Universal Laws of Nature = MASTER OF LIFE AWARENESS
Listen to the "Master of Life Awareness" Podcast here: podlink.to/sfwalker