BREAKING: HOSPITAL ICU MANAGER WALKS OUT OF MEETING AFTER FAMILY RAISE CONCERNS – Their family member had been placed on a ventilator without family knowledge
The patient’s last words: “Let everyone know they are taking me to the ICU.”
The young woman is now “paralysed and sedated” after being placed on a ventilator at Mayo University Hospital.
The woman was classified as “suspected Covid” when she presented with minor breathing difficulties due to a non-serious asthma condition that she has.
She had been conversing with her family and asking questions of hospital staff only hours before she was moved suddenly to ICU.
Her last words to her family were when she texted them saying “Let everyone know they are taking me to the ICU.”
The family were shocked at this move and urged the Doctor to consult them prior to any decision to put the patient on a ventilator.
The next morning the family discovered – after questioning a nurse – that their loved one had been put on a ventilator the night before.
On Saturday 11th of September the family had a meeting with the medical staff who were responsible for this young woman’s care.
Dr Patrick Wiseman said to the family that he had told them that he was putting the young woman to sleep, but then he said that “[he] may not have used the word ventilator.”
A ventilator is an invasive, dangerous procedure. It involves a machine taking over the function of the lungs. Many people who are put on a ventilator do not survive.
Fiona O’Shea (Clinical Nurse Manager at MUH) was asked for a verbal overview of the young woman’s care. She refused, and said you need to go through Freedom of Information (a process which can take months).
Just hours after the meeting mentioned above the hospital made a sudden decision to remove the patient (who is on a ventilator) from ICU in the Castlebar Hospital to Limerick Hospital.
The hospital called the Gardaí who prevented the family from seeing the young woman as she was transferred to an ambulance. Clinical Nurse Manager Fiona O’Shea was present as the distraught family were blocked by Gardaí and security from seeing their loved one.
We believe that Fiona O’Shea (Clinical Nurse Manager at MUH, working in ICU since the beginning of the lockdown in March 2020) and Dr Patrick Wiseman have questions to answer.
The above account is not an isolated event. Many people have lost their lives at Mayo University Hospital since March 2020 who should still be alive today.
For the sake of our own families, and for those who have no voice, we must raise loudly these concerns.
We would encourage the general public to call MUH and demand answers.