The Shape Song - See Link Below for Free Stuff
(Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”) -
I am momma circle round like a pie. (Make a circle over your head with arms.)
I’m baby triangle three sides have I. (Make a triangle with 3 fingers.)
I am papa square my sides are four. (Make a square in the air.)
I’m cousin rectangle shaped like a door. (Draw a rectangular door in the air.)
I am brother oval shaped like a zero. (Make oval with arms over head.)
I’m sister diamond with a sparkle and a glow.(Put thumbs and index fingers together.)
We are the shapes that you all know.
Look for us wherever you go. (Make circles with index fingers and thumbs
and place around eyes like glasses.)
Activities: Divide children into groups of four and challenge them to lay on the floor and
make shapes with their bodies. Take a picture of their body shapes, then put them
together to make a book.
Have a shape snack of circles (cookies), triangles (nacho chips), squares (crackers), and
rectangles (graham crackers).
Let children make collages out of construction paper cut in geometric shapes; or cut
sponges into shapes and use for printing.
Sam Williams and I created a song and some printables that are an engaging way to involve students. We would like to share them with you FREE with this video to add some “funness” to your day. The song packet contains many tools and suggestions to bring reading to life in your classroom or home including:
• Download of the song • A colorful sing and read book • A reproducible independent reading book • Lyric sheet • Extension Activities • Worksheets to use in centers
Click link below to download the packet for this song:
Singing Standards for Kindergarten
Reading Literature and Informational TextWhat is the main idea of the song? Recall details. Talk about the title, the front, and the back of the book. Match illustrations with the words in the song. Identify if the book is a nursery rhyme, fiction, or nonfiction. Ask and answer questions about new words in songs. Read and sing books together with classmates.
Reading Foundations
Use books to reinforce left to right, top to bottom. Point out that words are separated by spaces. Connect what you sing/say to words in the text. Use phonics skills to decode. Point out high frequency words. Identify words that rhyme. Read books independently.
WritingWrite and tell opinion about songs. Make original drawings to go with books. Do additional research to learn more about a topic introduced in a book.
Speaking and ListeningTalk/sing and listen in a group activity. Follow group rules as children sing and do movements. Understand and talk about songs.
Language SkillsHear proper English modeled in books. Use complete sentences. Figure out what different words mean. Relate how words in songs relate to real live. Use books to identify capitalization and punctuation. Use question words.
MathGeometry will come alive with the “Shape Family.” These books provide a meaningful way to connect literacy and mathematics.