At the tip of Italy's boot in Calabria grows a fruit with an impressive history. Famous perfumers travelled for it thousands of kilometres, simple black tea was ennobled to an Earl Grey and a completely new aroma found its way into kitchens and bakeries: the bergamot orange. Giuseppe Vadalà grows the fruit and uses it to refine dishes such as swordfish, risotto or farfalle with tuna.
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▷ 0:00 - Intro
▷ 00:31 - At our Neighbour's Table in Calabria
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For farmer Giuseppe Vadalà and his assistant Vincenzo, harvesting the bergamot orange is the most beautiful time of the year: the fruit spreads its intense aroma as soon as it is picked and fills the whole plantation with its fresh scent. Unlike in northern Italy, there are no factories with 10,000 jobs in Calabria. Here, the harvest is still done by hand in small, familiar family businesses. Experienced pickers like Vincenzo and Giuseppe manage between 600 and 800 kg in a single day.
The bergamot orange is also a botanical enigma: It is grown in other countries such as the Ivory Coast and Argentina, but nowhere are the trees as productive and the fruits as aromatic as in Calabria. Only here are the optimal growing conditions such as the mineral soil and the "moderately humid" microclimate guaranteed.
Famous for its unmistakable aroma, the bergamot orange is used in the perfume industry and, for example, in Earl Grey. Giuseppe and his mother Maria, however, refine numerous dishes with the citrus fruit: marinated swordfish, risotto, farfalle with tuna and cakes. Other specialities are Calabrian macaroni and lamb stew cooked on an open fire. It shows that food culture is very important in Calabria: In Guiseppe's family, cooking does not just mean preparing meals, but also feeling familiarity and cohesion.
At our Neighbour's Table - Calabria | Season 2022 - Episode 274
2022 © Licensed by Berlin Producers
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