Join ClubGG poker through Telegram here:
and here:
The High Roller Club is part of TMT union, which boasts softer games with a lower player win ratio since it discourages high percentages of poker crushers, but it also supports some high stakes games!
The Cheddar Club is is promoted by fellow YouTuber @NorCal_Poker who hosts weekly meetup games where he awards $100 for FREE every week to the largest stack! He says if he can win consistently in these games, then certainly anyone can!
I myself will be hosting my own meet up games and live streams for these clubs soon, so stay tuned!
I'm up $2 after the first notable hand I play and on a 17 win streak ... If I leave, would that be considered another winning session?
Pocket Kings: It's the 2nd best possible starting hand in poker. But for me? I'd be fine if I never get dealt pocket Kings ever again.
Poker Vloggers unite! If you have a poker channel with roughly 40k subscribers or more, but you mostly play 1-2, 1-3, or 2-5 and could use some advice on how to improve your game, I'd be willing to fly you out to Vegas for a week of one-on-one tutelage with yours truly! Room, flight, and lessons complimentary. Reach out to me through my e-mail.
Subscribe to Aero Innovations: / @aeroplayspoker
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0:00 Intro
1:10 A-K CC
2:25 K-Q SD
3:42 K-K SC
4:30 7-7 HS
5:55 Q-5 CC
6:47 9-9 CD
9:51 6-7 SS
11:32 Q-8 SS
14:11 K-Q DH
16:52 J-Q CC
18:07 A-K CH
19:09 K-K HS
22:10 Outro
Intro/Outro Footage Credits:; various artists
Original session date: June 16
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