EA Tax Resolutions Website: eataxresolutions.com/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_mediu…
EA Tax Resolutions Phone Number: 800-245-0596
🤵 IRS Offer in Compromise Consultation in depth: calendly.com/info-34527/discovery-call
In this video I discuss how the CSED can after the offer in compromise amount and if you even qualify. Also, I discuss was the CSED is and why it can affect your offer amount.
Helpful Resources:
IRS Phone Number: Individuals
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time
IRS Form 433-A (OIC) (Rev. 4-2021)
IRS Form 656 (April 2020)
IRS Financial Collection Standards
Internal Revenue Manual - Offer in Compromise - Financial Analysis
IRS Withholding Calculator
Other Helpful Videos:
🔴 Example of $400k settled for $27k: • IRS Offer in Compromise Case accepted
🔴 IRS Form 433-A (OIC) Offer in Compromise Example - numbers used that got accepted by IRS.
• IRS Form 433-A (OIC) Offer in Comprom...
🔴 IRS Form 433 A OIC & 656 - Offer in Compromise Example of Offer that was accepted: • IRS Form 433 A OIC & 656 - IRS Offer ...
Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for informational purposes only and is not meant to take the place of professional legal, accounting, or financial advice. If you have any legal questions about this video or the subjects discussed, or any other legal matter, you should consult with an attorney or tax professional in your jurisdiction (i.e. where you live).
#IRS #OfferinCompromise #TaxSettlement #Taxes