ASMR Distance Reiki healing channeling the Violet Flame with Amethyst for Diving Healing. Allow yourself to open and receive as the Violet Flame envelops your aura, cleansing and protecting your energy. The violet flame assists with physical healing, emotional healing, and spiritual healing, protects your energy from negativity and raises your vibration for overall wellness.
Reiki energy channels divine healing light from Source (ie., Universe, God, Higher Power) for mind, body, and spirit wellbeing. This beautiful healing energy changed my own life in the most amazing ways freeing my physical body of chronic back and nerve pain. It is being more commonly used today in hospitals across the US for faster patient recoveries, easing symptoms of cancer treatments, and reducing the need and length of pain medications post-op. It is also being used to alleviate symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression in Veteran's Hospitals and in clinics.
Amethyst crystal energy assists with physical ailments like insomnia, headaches, and improves memory function while shielding you from negativity, enhancing your spiritual connection, and activating the Third Eye and Crown chakras.
Violet flame healing dates back millennia, even mentioned in Daniels of the Bible as a powerful healing energy. Visualize this beautiful healing energy channeled with the gifts of crystal reiki and amethyst surrounding you with its loving and healing light. Learn more about the Violet Flame in my book "Raise Your Vibes: Energy Self-Healing for Everyone" linked below.
Created with love and your highest intention at heart. Please have some cool water to assist grounding at the close of the session. Enjoy and blessings!
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DISCLOSURE: Reiki and other forms of energy healing are not meant to replace professional medical care. Always contact your medical professional for concerns or questions about your health.
#crystalreikihealer #reikihealing #asmr #asmrreiki #distancereiki #reikidistancehealing #raiseyourvibes #amethyst #violetflame