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☸ Sun salutation mantra for Strength, Energy and Confidence
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● ▬ ॐ Devotional Sun mantra lyrics (text) ॐ
Om Hram Hrim Hraum Sah Suryaya Namaha
● ▬ ☸ #Sun #salutation #mantra meaning / Translation ☸
The original syllable "#Om" strengthens the effect of the mantra, the seed syllables - the bija of the mantra - the Temple of the #Hrim Temple of Sah do not have an explicit language translation, but their repetition in turn create a powerful effect on the mind and vibrations on the subtle level, #Suryaia - the name of the Sun God,
Surya Means SUN the Supreme Light. Sun is the only god in world that can be seen and prayed in daily life. Worship Surya on every Day and Specially on Sunday morning during sunrise looking directly in to the sun is supposed to bring in manifold benefits to the worshipers. Chant This Soothing Suryaya Mantra and feel the divine energy flows in your body.
● ▬ ☸ The purpose of the #Sunmantra ☸
Lord Surya helps one gain his eyesight and Surya Namashkar will strengthen one's bones, cure illness, however severe it may be, cleanses the devotee from his sins and bestows on him progeny, wealth, good-health and long life. He is the cause for rainfall benefiting the world. The lord Surya is prayed in the simplest way by folding one's hands in a namaskar at the time of sunrise. A simple chant of Om Suryaye Namah pleases the lord Surya. A Hindu worship Lord Surya at the rising of the Sun, known as Surya namaskara
God Surya is the King of all the planets and is responsible for controlling all their movements. The Sun in Vedic astrology is called RAVI, or SURYA. In western tropical astrology, the Sun rules the Sign of Leo. He is exalted in the sign of Aries, and he is in his fall in the sign of Libra. In vedic astrology the Sun is known as the ATMAKARAKA, means .an "indicator of the soul." The Sun is the indicator of the father, our ego, honors, status, fame, the heart, the eyes, general vitality, respect and power.
● ▬ ☸ What is mantra? Mantra definition
Mantras (chants) are sounds made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables, which help us to improve our energy. #Chanting powerful mantras or listening to them give us access to the Divine Forces, bring harmony in our mind, body & of course sets our heart on a wave of divine energy, bringing bliss into our inner world. These devotional sounds can activate our inner pharmacy, bring the balance to our physiology, creating wellness & vitality. What is mantra – it's divine magic of Lord & we can use it to wake up our spirituality!
#mantra came from India, it' a special set of sacred sounds that creates a resonance affects on our energy. So of course no matter to listen to the mantra or chant it, but effect will be better if mentally repeat the text thus the blissful inner state will be achieved sooner
NUMBER of REPEATS: Take a course for 1 month: in order to be effective, any business must be carried out stably & consistently for at least 1 month, then the result will amaze you! According to hindu rituals repeats should be multiple of 9 (as usual - 108 times will be great), most important – listen 3 times a day
TIME: Best effect #mantras will have if you listen them 3 times a day – morning, afternoon & evening (before bedtime)
PHYSICAL CONDITION: be calm & relax your body so the energy of the sound will have the maximum effect
EFFECT: When the number of chanting reaches a certain value (after 1 month), you will belive learn how to resolve many problems, achieve realization of potential, harmony within you & bliss. Just repeat inwardly: "I CAN DO EVERYTHING I WANT! I WILL DO! MY FORTUNE IS WITHIN ME!
After 1 month course chanting you will learn how to resolve many problems, achieve realization of potential, harmony within you & bliss. Just say magic words: "I WILL SUCCEED IN ALL MY EFFORTS! MY DESTINY IS IN MY HANDS!
● ▬ ☸ All lists of mantras to chant daily for enlightenment
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