Although the fighting lasted only six days in June of 1967, the effects of the Six Day War are still apparent today. On its 40th anniversary, the region remains trapped in conflict and is every bit as explosive as it was then.
For Israel, the 1967 war was a military success. But it also redrew the map of the Middle East and mired the region in a never-ending cycle of occupation, terrorism and reprisal.
The Six Day War forever changed the politics of the Middle East by helping to destroy the secular basis of Pan-Arab nationalism and transform secular Zionism, cementing the fusion between nationalism and religion. It also gave rise to a Palestinian nationalist movement.
Shot on location in Israel,Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Moscow and Washington SIX DAYS NI JUNE takes us through the weeks that preceded the war, its six days of fighting and its aftermath that still lingers today.
Documentary: Six Days in June EP2 (2007)
Directed by: Ilan Ziv
Production: Ina Fichman, Arik Bernstein et Luc Martin-Gousset
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