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How to Feel the Holy Spirit When things Get HARD | (Feat. Brad Reynolds)

In this powerful interview, Brad Reynolds shares a miraculous experience he had while serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santa Rosa, California. Feeling disconnected from the Holy Spirit due to a challenging relationship with his mission companion, Brad struggled to hear the still small voice that guides so many on their spiritual journeys. What he didn’t realize at the time was that his mother, sensing his difficulty, had prayed for him to have an experience that would remind him of his ability to feel God’s presence and fulfill his divine purpose.

Not long after her prayer, Brad felt prompted to reach out to local members of the church, even though it seemed like a small prompting. This nudge from the Holy Spirit led him to visit the home of an elderly woman, only to find a pile of unopened mail on her porch—a signal that something was very wrong. Acting quickly, Brad discovered that the woman had fallen and broken her hip, leaving her unable to call for help. Thanks to this divine prompting, Brad was able to contact emergency services and save the woman’s life.

This incredible story is a testament to how God continues to speak to us, even when we feel distant from His influence. It also highlights the importance of listening to spiritual promptings, especially in times of difficulty or when battling personal challenges such as depression.

Throughout the interview, Brad and I discuss the realities of depression and how it can sometimes cloud our ability to feel the Spirit’s guiding influence. But as Brad’s experience illustrates, even in moments of despair or confusion, God is still reaching out to us in ways we might not immediately recognize. Learning to discern these promptings can open doors to miracles, both big and small.

Join us as we dive deep into the complexities of personal revelation, the struggles of missionary work, and how God uses His children to perform miracles in everyday life. Brad’s story will inspire you to pay closer attention to the still small voice and remind you that God’s love and guidance are always near, even in the toughest of times.

Key Points:

• How a difficult companionship on Brad’s mission led him to question his ability to feel the Spirit

• His mother’s prayer for him to experience a spiritual miracle

• A miraculous prompting that led to saving an elderly woman’s life
The relationship between depression and the ability to feel spiritual promptings

• How to recognize God’s communication in various ways
Watch this interview to learn:

How God answers prayers through miraculous events

• The importance of paying attention to spiritual promptings, even when they seem small

• Ways to navigate feelings of spiritual disconnect during times of trial and depression

• Don’t miss this uplifting story of faith, service, and the power of personal revelation.

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