When Uli Stietz prepares sourdough, it looks like magic: once a week, the master miller mixes bubbling mass with flour and water in his bakery. He prepares different doughs: for wheat-rye-spelt bread, wholemeal bread with grain meal or emmer bread. A machine does some of the kneading, but after that Uli lends a hand himself until the bread has the right shape. Then he puts the breads into the oven.
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#atourneighbourstable #swabia #cooking #food #bread
▷ 0:00 - Intro
▷ 00:31 - At our Neighbour's Table in Swabia
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For more than 100 years, Uli Stietz's family has been running the grain mill in the Rems Valley north of Stuttgart, where the region's grain is milled. On his own fields, Uli grows original cereals himself: spelt and black emmer.
Uli's daughter Thea is also a miller, and her husband Janik has the same profession. Thea provides the family with regional dishes: Spätzle (spaetzle), bread spread made from green spelt grain or "Käsfüßle" (cheesy feet), a typical Swabian pastry.
At our Neighbour's Table - Paris | Season 2022 - Episode 269
2022 © Licensed by Berlin Producers
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