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Mantra for Money Lakshmi mantra $$$ Rich People Secret Big MONEY Laxmi Prosperity Music PM 2020

$ Mantra for MONEY Lakshmi mantra SECRET of RICH PEOPLE (They know about ancient magic of these sounds!)
☸ BE RICH with the ENERGY of Lakshmi mantra Meditation
☸ LAXMI Devi Prosperity Music to get rich!
☸ Powerful Mantras Meditation Music Channel (PM)
$$$ Business - Money - Deal - Prosperity music Cycle
ॐ divine energy of spiritual awakening

✈ Join us in TELEGRAM to get latest videos - goo.gl/EXAwFr

$$$ ॐ Devotional Money mantra lyrics (Text )
Lakshmi Lakshmi Lakshmi
Om Om

☸ Money mantra meaning
OM (ॐ) - primordial sound. This sound symbolically embodies the divine healing energy, or Shakti, & its 3 main aspects: creation, preservation, &liberation. Om represents a direct path to experiencing the depth of reality & consciousness itself.

LAKSHMI (Laxmi) - goddess of PLENTY, PROSPERITY, WEALTH, LUCK AND HAPPINESS. She is the embodiment of grace, beauty & charm. Her followers are protected from all kinds of misery & poverty. Laxmi is the eldest wife of Vishnu, married to Rama (in SITA) & Krishna (as Radha, & later Rukmini). Lakshmi pooja are hold in autumn as usual.

☸ The purpose of the Mantra for Money
How to make money? How to become successful in business & not go broke? How to make enough money geld? BIG MONEY? Is it necessary to work day & night? These questions are common, but less people know that in addition to physical efforts to become rich, finally rich - this requires efforts in the field of energy. This mantra, magical combination of sound Om & the name of the goddess Laxmi listening to many famous rich people. Many of them are became rich largely due to the magical vibrations of these two words. & now you know The Secret of Millionaires! In addition to ordinary work they do magical rituals - listen to Divine sounds of Om Lakshmi mantra!! Every day!! Repeat at least 108 times a day such words "I WILL BE RICH! I AM LIKE A MAGNET FOR MONEY" Third magic ritual is to let anyone listen to these sounds from your advise. You don't even have to explain the meaning. Just let as much as possible people hear the sounds of this mantra in your presence or from your advise. The essence of the magic ritual is that you will be connected to their energy of money & they will help you become rich. Follow the magic of the sounds & Money MANTRA MEDITATION Energy of PLENTY, PROSPERITY, WEALTH, LUCK AND HAPPINESS flows through you & you will get money in short time.

Listen to this devotional mantra meditation music of sacred syllables for positive energy & try to open your heart! Start new life with powerful Lakshmi mantra, gain moksha & wisdom! (智慧)

☸ What is mantra? Mantra definition
Mantras (chants) are sounds made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables, which help us to improve our energy. #Chanting powerful mantras or listening to them give us access to the Divine Forces, bring harmony in our mind, body & of course sets our heart on a wave of divine energy, bringing bliss into our inner world. These devotional sounds can activate our inner pharmacy, bring the balance to our physiology, creating wellness & vitality. What is mantra – it's divine magic of Lord & we can use it to wake up our spirituality!

#mantra came from India, it' a special set of sacred sounds that creates a resonance affects on our energy. So of course no matter to listen to the mantra or chant it, but effect will be better if mentally repeat the text thus the blissful inner state will be achieved sooner
NUMBER of REPEATS: Take a course for 1 month: in order to be effective, any business must be carried out stably & consistently for at least 1 month, then the result will amaze you! According to hindu rituals repeats should be multiple of 9 (as usual - 108 times will be great), most important – listen 3 times a day
TIME: Best effect #mantras will have if you listen them 3 times a day – morning, afternoon & evening (before bedtime)
PHYSICAL CONDITION: be calm & relax your body so the energy of the sound will have the maximum effect
EFFECT: When the number of chanting reaches a certain value (after 1 month), you will belive learn how to resolve many problems, achieve realization of potential, harmony within you & bliss. Just repeat inwardly: "I CAN DO EVERYTHING I WANT! I WILL DO! MY FORTUNE IS WITHIN ME!
After 1 month course chanting you will learn how to resolve many problems, achieve realization of potential, harmony within you & bliss. Just say magic words: "I WILL SUCCEED IN ALL MY EFFORTS! MY DESTINY IS IN MY HANDS!

☸ All lists of mantras to chant daily for enlightenment
❤ GREAT LOVE mantras - goo.gl/8YsA1F
☼ ALL BAD REMOVING mantras - goo.gl/uKbrX4
$$$ MONEY mantras - goo.gl/aXGFQC
☸ SHIVA mantras - goo.gl/oLr8Gb
☯ HEALING Mantras goo.gl/jTMhcj
ॐ MIX of PM - goo.gl/bAmJpU
