Following are the links of everything that you might need
Please read the description properly before mailing as everything is given here if you still have queries then mail us .
Every service is non refundable untill Anjalli herself will not be able to provide the service you opt for so please invest wisely and check the details properly before purchasing :
Following are the services , course , workshop and healings links :
Personal manifestation session with me (1.5 hours video session ) not a tarot reading or healing session . This session is to make you have your customised manifestation plan
One on one tarot video consultation (1 hour session with unlimited questions)
Tarot consultation (upto five questions) , YouTube unlisted link will be sent to your mail within 7 business days after the booking (sat , sun excluded)
Emergency reading within 24 hours from the time of booking :
Tarot reading consultation within 24 hours (upto 5 questions) (upto five questions) , please ask if I am available for this or not on mail , mail id given at the end
Want to become a tarot reader like me , well start your journey by purchasing my course , prerecorded 69 lectures course in English . Will surely make you a good reader like me
Wants to learn about the best healing modality of the whole universe come learn about ho’oponopono in this one hour recorded masterclass :
Learn the deeper meaning of self love and how to do it with my downloadable ebook
Tired of black magic/evil eye / hexes and negative energy bothering you and blocking your blessings . Lama fera healing is the answer . This is 30 days distance healing that will help you get rid of negative energies fastly
Wants to reduce your stress and be more at peace and calm go for this gentle reiki healing 30 days distance healing session and let us help you clean and heal your chakras with gentle reiki energy
Last but not the least Anjali’s favourite ho’oponopono healing session , 4 sessions in a month are required atleast to feel the difference
You can make the investment here
After making the booking kindly mail us with the details of what service you purchased .
Kindly note that Anjalli is not the one directly responding to your queries or emails so be patient as the team will be answering . We are three people in the team . Two assistants and Anjalli herself.
Also for any kind of doubts /queries about any service you can mail us on
My Insta id :
My other channel : / @themodernsanyasini (for healing ❤️🩹 / meditation and spirituality )
My main channel : / @tarotanjalli
Regards ,
Team Anjalli