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Today, I dive into a PayPal tutorial for beginners and share how you can simply send and receive money using PayPal. In this PayPal tutorial, I break down and walk you through both the PayPal personal account and the PayPal business account.
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PayPal is a fast, safe and easy to use payment gateway for both individuals and businesses.
This Payment solution allows businesses to streamline transactions by integrating PayPal with their websites and other platforms. Also, individuals can send and receive money from friends and family for free!
Check out our full PayPal article over on our website for more information:
► Today we cover the following chapters in this PayPal tutorial:
0:00 Intro
01:15 Getting started
02:10 Sign in/sign up
02:55 Personal Account - Dashboard
03:38 Link Card or Bank
04:50 How to send money
06:57 Wallet
07:30 Activity
07:46 How to request money
08:49 How to create an invoice
09:44 How to create an estimate
10:11 Business Account - Home
14:35 Outro
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Let me know if you found this PayPal tutorial helpful. Also, if you require any help or support, make sure to get in touch with us today.
Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy it!
#paypal #business