Did you know that tens of thousands of tonnes of fake honey are imported into the UK every year?
Oh. Well I didn't.
But my mates at Nidhoggr Mead did, and they've even started a petition to protect mead as a heritage product. A bit like champagne, Melton Mowbray pork pies, Welsh leeks, or Breton onions, you'd have to make mead with honey, water, and yeast.
Ok, it's a sponsored video, but there are some jolly interesting things going on in the world of fermented honey! And I for one learnt a thing or two about the sinister practices of Big Honey (didn't know that was a thing either tbh), and why it's not something the bees would want to be happening.
And you get to see me in a beard net. So enjoy that!
Sponsored by this lot: www.nidhoggrmead.com and use code welshviking10 for 10% off!
Petition: www.change.org/p/protect-the-heritage-craft-of-mea…
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The Welsh Viking,
PO Box 821,
YO1 0PY,
Editing software: DaVinci Resolve 17
Camera: Panasonic Lumix G7
Mic: RØDE Wireless GO II and Takstar SGC 598
Intro: @Anttimation